A sad farewell
This, she tells me, of all people.
After my brother, having concluded that the marriage counseling wasn’t getting them anywhere, packed his bags.
It could have been worse, I suppose. Years ago, when a girlfriend of mine asked a guy friend of mine to leave—with good cause, I’m sorry to say—I didn’t talk to him for two years until he finally gave her a get.
Why am I talking about this? Truth to tell, I’m stalling.
About a year and a half ago, I read an article in the Jewish Week about these things called Web logs, or blogs, for short, something that I’d never heard of, naturally, being the low-tech soul that I am. The Jewish Week then proceeded to introduce me to my very first blog, a Jewish one, of course, this being, after all, a Jewish Week article.
So I was sad to learn, last Friday morning, that my "blogmother," writer of the first blog I ever read, has decided to stop posting in order to spare her children at least some of the pain of her recent divorce, for which, assuming that I'm translating the word grusha correctly, she’s already received a get. I have no words. All that keeps running through my head is Blue Fringe singing “Av haRachamim, Av haRachamim, Avinu . . . “
AidelMaidel, you will be missed. May those who care for you continue to be there for you, and may you find comfort in your faith.
Agreed :)
Just wanted to say that I discovered your blog last week via Mirty, and it's wonderful! What thought-provking posts. You have been added to my blogroll.
Also thanks for quoting me in your Akeida post comments. I just created a post of my own with some additional thoughts.
Welcome aboard, Elie, and thanks for the kind words. Thanks, too, for adding my blog to your blogroll. I'm sorry to say that I haven't quite figured how to set up a blogroll of my own yet, being a bit of a low-tech soul.
Your comment makes perfect sense, from a historical perspective. What *pagan* god would ever have "asked" for a human sacrifice, then prevented it? That was certainly a new one in the history of religion.
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